Home 9 Resources


Naomi’s Centre provides confidential, safe and secure services and resources.

Along with our support services, we offer a great deal of helpful resources to deliver information to the community about abuse and provide victims with guidance. Here you’ll find four sections of helpful resources on abuse: Articles, FAQsLinks and Downloads.

FAQ Section

Read through our most frequently asked questions and get answers to your important questions.


Download and print helpful checklists and worksheets that will help you make informed decisions.


Get a list of helpful links for women and children who are affected by abuse.


Read through our industry statistics to get a better idea of what is involved in our work.

Helpful Articles

Get more insight on abuse and other important topics from our articles section.

Eastern Ontario Shelters

La Montee D’ElleAlexandria1-800-461-1842
Three Oaks FoundationBelleville1-800-267-0533
Leeds-Grenville Interval HouseBrockville1-800-267-4409
Maison Baldwin HouseCornwall1-800-267-1744
Maison Interlude HouseHawkesbury1-800-267-4101
Chrysalis HouseKanata1-613-591-5901
Kingston Interval HouseKingston1-800-267-9445
Lennox & Addington Interval HouseNapanee1-800-667-1010
Harmony House (2nd stage)Ottawa1-613-233-3386
Interval House of OttawaOttawa1-613-234-5181
La Presence (convent)Ottawa1-613-241-8297
Maison D’AmitieOttawa1-613-747-0020
Nelson HouseOttawa1-613-225-3129
Oshkikizis Healing LodgeOttawa1-613-789-1141
Bernadette McCann HousePembroke1-800-267-4930
Maison D’Amitie IIVanier1-613-744-7789
Naomi’s Family Resource CentreWinchester1-800-267-0395

Ottawa Area Support Centres

Break the cycle and get help today.