Naomi’s Centre provides confidential, safe and secure services and resources.
Naomi’s Family Resource Centre, located in Winchester, Ontario in the county of Dundas opened on February 2, 1987 providing emergency shelter, safety and support to abused women with or without children. The Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services provided funding to complete a needs assessment in an effort to determine whether or not there was a requirement to provide services for abused women and their children in a rural community. Based on the final report dated March 21, 1985 it was concluded that there was a serious need for services.
Therefore, by October 17, 1985 a thirteen-member steering committee was formed to open a transition home for abused women with or without children.
A Board of Directors composed of volunteers from various walks of life governs the Centre. The services are funded primarily by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services while relying on donations from the surrounding communities. Naomi’s Family Resource Centre is incorporated as a non-profit organization.
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