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Naomi’s Centre provides confidential, safe and secure services and resources.

What is abuse?

Abuse involves the intent by the abuser to intimidate, either by threat or by use of physical force on the victim or the victim’s property. The purpose of the abuse is to control behavior through the inducement of fear. Underlying all abuse is a power imbalance between the victim and the offender.

Do people who are abused provoke abuse?

No, when an abuser blames the victim, they are attempting to escape responsibility for the violence.

Can I continue working if I come to the shelter?

Yes, you can continue to work. If you have children, you will need to make alternate childcare arrangements, as childcare is not available at the shelter. Shift work can also be accommodated.

I have a disability that prevents me from using the stairs. Will this make me ineligible for a shelter stay?

Naomi’s Centre has one wheelchair-accessible unit that includes washroom facilities and an elevator that reaches the other levels of the house. Depending on the nature of your disability and the availability of this unit, you will need to speak to staff to determine if it meets your needs.

I have special dietary needs. Is the shelter able to assist me with this?

Yes. We strive to meet your individual needs and discuss this weekly at our residents’ meeting when we prepare our menu plan for the week. Please inform the staff of your requirements.

How long can I stay at the shelter?

The length of each woman’s stay is determined by her individual needs.

I want to talk to someone, but I’m not sure I want to stay at a shelter. If I go there will I have to stay?

No. Naomi’s Centre provides a safe and comfortable place for women coping with abuse. You may choose to stay or leave at any time. Some women prefer to visit for counseling, resources, and support and then return home. Staff at the shelter will respect your right to make these choices for yourself.

What is a Women’s Shelter?

Naomi’s Centre is a shelter where women who have experienced any type of abuse can come for support, resources, and a safe place to reside. It is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and the counselors welcome women to call and/or come at any time, day or night. The services are completely free and confidential.

What are some safety tips for women who drive alone?

Whether you are traveling to work or taking a trip, always keep safety in mind when using your car.

  • When walking to your car, have your keys ready.
  • Check both the interior and exterior of your car before you get in. Keep your doors and windows locked.
  • Keep your car well-maintained and ensure you have at least half a tank of gas.
  • If your car breaks down, place a “CALL POLICE” sign in your rear window, and lock yourself inside the car. Do not raise the hood. Never give anyone access to your car; talk through a slightly open window.
  • Be aware of your surroundings. Be alert to vehicles or people following you into a garage. LEAVE if you feel uncomfortable. Sound your horn if you cannot leave.
  • If you suspect someone is following you, try to get the license number and drive to the nearest police station, restaurant, or service station, and call the police. Do not exit your car until you are in a safe location. Blow your horn to attract attention if necessary.
  • Lock parcels and luggage in the trunk. Keep your purse out of sight. Never leave anything in the car that identifies your name and address.
  • Park near exits or in well-lit areas of parking garages. Avoid using unlit lots.
  • When traveling, make sure someone knows your exact route and keep in touch by phone.

These tips are a compilation of information received from a variety of law enforcement agencies and women’s groups.

What are the different types of abuse?

  • Any unwanted physical contact, e.g. kicking, punching, pulling, pushing, slapping, hitting, pulling hair, arm-twisting, squeezing hand or arm, choking, pushing up against the wall, pointing finger, poking
  • Stopping her from leaving
  • Restraining her in any way
  • Standing to close
  • Picking her up, holding or hugging when it is unwanted
  • Shooting, murder
  • Forcing intercourse
  • Forcing certain positions
  • Total lack of intimacy
  • Adultery, cheating, sleeping around
  • Constantly pestering for intercourse
  • Treating her as a sex object
  • Intimidation by knowledge or reputation
  • Getting back at her by refusing to have intercourse
  • Using intercourse as a basis for an argument
  • Put downs
  • Being rough
  • Pornography
  • Not taking responsibility for the children or using children as a weapon
  • Abusing children physically and sexually
  • Embarrassment in front of the children
  • Putting her down or ignoring her in public
  • Stopping her from seeing friends
  • Using as a continual joke or putdown about her with others
  • Choosing friends or family over her
  • Not taking her out
  • Keeping her busy in the kitchen, i.e. during a party
  • Change of personality with others
  • Not being nice to her friends
  • Make a “scene”
  • Withholding money
  • Spending money foolishly or beyond means
  • Not spending money on special occasions e.g. her birthday
  • Making the decisions in terms of how the money is spent without her input
  • Insults, yelling, name calling, verbal threats
  • Intimidation, playing “mind games”
  • Overpowering her emotions
  • Bringing up old issues and arguments
  • Degrading her
  • Inappropriate expression of jealousy
  • Turning around a situation against her
  • Brainwashing
  • Laughing in her face
  • Raising your voice
  • Silence, isolation, ignoring her
  • Walking away from a discussion
  • Refusing to deal with issues
  • Pressuring her
  • Lying
  • Treating her as a child, putting her up on a pedestal
  • Agreeing with her even though you don’t
  • Manipulation, making her fearful
  • Putting her or her family down
  • Finding and verbalizing her faults, comparing her to other people
  • Expecting her to conform to a role
  • ‘Typical male chauvinistic dominance’
  • Overly sarcastic or critical
  • Lack of consideration for her opinions
  • Trying to get the last word in
  • Pre-violence cues
  • Egging her on
  • Disbelieving her
  • Woman hating e.g. jokes, putdowns etc.
  • Having a double standard for her
  • Double bind, e.g. telling her one thing but really meaning another
  • Unflattering or belittling comments about her physical appearance
  • Coming home drunk, not coming home
  • Not taking responsibility or taking away her responsibilities
  • Not keeping commitments
  • Doing the opposite of what you said you’d do
  • Making a fool of her
  • Being rude
  • Making threats to partner about yourself, e.g. “I’ll kill myself if you…”
  • Starting arguments

Break the cycle and get help today.